Using advanced signal processing and modulation coding techniques, multilevel optical storage can further increase the disc capacity and data transfer rate without changing the optical pick-up head and mechanical system of the disc drives. 多阶光存储是一种在不改变原有光路和机械系统的情况下,利用先进的信号处理与调制编码技术,显著提高存储容量和数据传输率的新型技术。
Storage server manages and organizes backup data efficiently and locates restore data rapidly by adopting multilevel data index management technology, so it can improve the storage server-side utilization, manageability and system scalability. 存储服务器采用了多级数据索引管理技术,能够比较高效的组织管理备份数据和快速查找定位要恢复的数据,提高了存储服务器端的利用率、可管理性和系统的可扩展性。